DataGrabber UPDATE – Jan. 27, 2012

Greetings DataGrabbers,

Been to lately?  No?  Go now.  NOW!  What do you think?  Post your feedback!

It’s time for to grow and evolve.  A long time ago, I fielded criticism from so many datagrabber users who hated the design of the old website.  It looked cheap, tired, and outdated.  I defended the look by showcasing the focus on the content and the community over the visuals.  And while I still defend the spirit of that decision, let me just quote an old saying “even Gloria Steinem got married”.  What I mean of course is that we always have to grow and adapt and change else we risk being outdated.

I made a conscious decision a month ago to dramatically redesign the site in a way that preserves the information and data, while giving it a fresh new look worthy of the extreme popularity of the site.   I also wanted to make sure original elements of the original site survived the redesign as a nod to the pioneering days of this revolutionary site (hence the enhanced original logo).  Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a tad but it’s no secret that is the number one Facebook Game answers and help site on the net.  And we continue to grow.

But perhaps even more exciting is that changes are also happening to the ‘meat’ of the site too!  Yes, we’ve already added a new game, Press Your Luck for Facebook (if you haven’t played it yet, install it on your Facebook – super fun!), and more game answers will be added in the coming weeks and months. And we have an official Twitter account too (@DataGrabber).  I’m new to Twitter, so go easy on me, but I felt it’s important to have an immediate conduit to communicate to everyone in real-time beyond mass emails.  There may be more social media on the way too – so for now, follow me on twitter.

Finally, I just wanted to mention that we’re only as good as your help, involvement, support and marketing skills.  Some Facebook game developers have not made it easy for all of us DataGrabbers to do the right thing and share the wealth.  So yes, we’re persecuted.  Merely posting the URL during game play is akin to the most horrific curse word and thus risks banishment from your game.  So how can you spread the word about datagrabber?  Be clever and use your smarts — afterall you ARE a DataGrabber!  Post the URL on your Facebook, tweet about, “Like” the site and interior pages.  Spell “DataGra*b-b  er . Or,g ”  in funny ways to get past the evil censors.  But whatever you do, never NEVER stop sharing!

Our amazing volunteers’ gift to all of us is their time and effort collecting and organizing the data and community forum.  My gift to you is running, funding and maintaining this site for free for everyone.  Your gift to should be spreading the word, sharing your data, and using the site.

Keep Playing. Keep Sharing.  (And keep checking in as more exciting changes are on the way!)

Andrew (admin)
[email protected]

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