Family Feud is an interesting game with a very checkered real-life history. It was canceled and revived, went through a rolodex of hosts and even had a host with psychiatric problems who eventually hanged himself in a psychiatric hospital. I guess the Feud can do that to you. But seriously, mental illness is no laughing matter.
The endurance of Family Feud is a testament to how exciting and connected we are with popular culture and trying to figure out what other people think. The Facebook version of the game is just as exciting. One of the wonderful things about the game is that it’s always possible to lose the first two rounds and kill on the final round to make it to the bonus. Few other games give you this opportunity.
Of course it helps if you have some reference material to draw from. If you’re looking for help, tips, tricks, cheats, hints, discussions, comments, updates, strategies, and all thing related to the popular classic Facebook Family Feud game application, you’ve found the #1 FREE SITE source. Please use this information responsibly. And remember to keep collecting that data and keep sharing it!
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It’s Feud time.
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